Sunday, June 12, 2011

Starting Over

It's been over a year since I posted to this blog... Could be because I had a baby, most likely is... Its amazing how much time it has taken me to get things together to just be able to function and maintain some level of normalcy. By normalcy I am talking about figuring out when to get things done, when to play, when to rest, when, when, when :) I love being a mom. Anyhow, so much has changed in the last year that I have a whole lot of updating to do. Lets start with a few changes...
1. No more band
2. No more web business
3. New baby (well... 1.5 year old baby)
4. Lost a kitty
5. Not vegan anymore
6. My job is different

And I'll update on those changes later, but where I want to go from here is new stuff. I am feeling quite inspired to 1. get crafty and 2. get active. I think this is where I am going to take this blog... gleaning off of other peoples ideas. However, I am going to add in adventures with my kidlet and my honey as we hike, visit parks and do active stuff together. Maybe I cant find anything on parks or activities because I am not looking well or right but there does not seem to be a plethora of websites detailing playgrounds in Washington state (or other states) with pictures or physical activities with kids, so here we go!

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